Losing Weight In Menopause Now

February 12, 2009

losing-weight-in-menopause-4Saying that losing weight in menopause is difficult  would be an understatement. Trouble with losing weight in menopause simply proves that women body is out of balance, because of menopausal changes. Knowing and understanding weight gain after 40 is important for restoring the balance and succeeding with losing weight in menopause.

What we know is that women in menopause are gaining weight because of several factors such as: hormonal changes, less physical activity, decrease in metabolism, fewer calorie requirements, muscle mass decline, some health problems and genetic factors. Based on these factors the first thing you need to do is to look into your personal situation and determine what would be yours main problems that contribute to weight gain. Some of these problems can be fixed simply by making some lifestyle changes.
What is the most effective and proved approach to losing weight in menopause?

Finding healthy diet weight plan based on balanced diet is the first thing that will help you in losing weight in menopause. Starving is promoting weight gain by slowing body metabolism. Also fad diets are not good for losing weight in menopause. They will make you lose weight, but you will gain everything back and more in very short time. The hardest part of using weight loss plan is to stick to the program. That is why implementing diet weight plan based on your regular food you like and enjoy is the best option. The best results you can get are with slower weight loss plan, because this type of plan is more healthy and easier to maintain.

Second most important thing is to increase physical activity. Although it is possible to lose weight without exercising, physical activity will boost your effort in losing weight in menopause. It does not necessarily have to be formal exercise program. It is proved that any type of activity you enjoy doing will work better in long run. Physical activity promotes not only physical but also emotional health.
The third important factor in losing weight in menopause is reducing stress in your life. Stress promotes weight gain, because it triggers uncontrolled hunger. Using some techniques for stress reduction, like yoga or meditation has a lot of benefits.

Find out how losing weight in menopause will become much easier for you with the right menopase weight solution,  start losing weight today.